In 2012, along with two comrades, I was on a site visit to some obscure area of Singapore, in pursuit of answers to a school project (something on construction/details and fire escape requirements).
The site was an apartment building, with some Bauhaus (could be completed in 80s) design elements, set a midst tall ferns, and a spacious void deck space (wide but not high) that had neat arches framing the walk-through experience. This ground level void was kept cool, shaded and well ventilated, making it very conducive for little girl tea parties and the occasional hide and seek
While we wandered through this quiet oasis, trigger happy with our iphones snapping away random 'artistic' shots, we chanced upon 2 Filipino ladies and 2 dogs. it was an attractive gathering which encouraged our approach. 1 of the dogs was an old pug. Like 15-18yrs old, OLD. His hind legs didn't work, and he was blind in 1 eye.
He looked at us, and hobbled his way over towards us, dragging his butt and useless legs along the floor. Looking happy with his tongue out against a somber, sad pug face, he greeted us, and his handler introduced him,
"His name is John"
If this was the matrix, he was otherworldly.
This piece was dedicated to him.
We all want to be remembered as the best version of ourselves. So I gave him back his lost eye.